- Call to Order: President Timothy Nelson called the meeting to order at 9:06 AM.
- Roll Call: In attendance were: Al Farris, Bruce Smith, Tim Nelson, Kathryn Joiner, Sharon Blodgett, and Dick Lambert. Determined that there was a quorum.
Absent: Barbara Skelton, Freeman Abbott, Jodine Abbott, Paul Demers, Jonathan Reed, Dabney Lewis, Frank Tracy.
Al Farris reported that the class yesterday was using software created by an engineered wood structures company, which creates print out data sheets. He would like the company to do a 90-minute presentation on how to read the printouts. Tim Nelson and Dick Lambert believed that they had taken a seminar by this company and it was beneficial.
- Reading and acceptance of the minutes: Motion made by Bruce Smith, seconded by Dick Lambert, three approved the May 8, 2008 meeting minutes with changes. Two abstained; Al Farris and Tim Nelson were not present at last meeting and abstained from the vote.
- Communications and Bills:
a. Tim Nelson has been receiving ICC candidate application from NERCS. He explained that the treasurer is putting together a synopsis of qualifications of these candidates. Tim will bring this synopsis to the board once completed to see if there is interest by the board to support anyone. He mentioned emailing out to the board. The board could then give their feedback. Dick Lambert suggested to put the nominees in front of the Nominating committee instead (Bruce Smith is the chair).
b. Tim Nelson received one bill from Bruce Smith. It was a plaque for a retiring MBOIA former board member for his years of service (1994 - 2005). The bill was for $49.00. Motion made by Dick Lambert to pay this bill. Seconded by Al Farris - all approved.
c. Tim has booked rooms for Minneapolis - Rooms were tight- at the Hyatt, but there may be more rooms that will be opening up. Tim booked flights through Northwest out of Portland Airport . Tim will pass along VISA statement once the charges come through.
5. Report of the Officers and Treasurers Report: Barb Skelton absent, but she provided a Treasurer's report from March 26, 2008 through June 11, 2008 . Motion made by Dick Lambert, seconded by Bruce Smith, all approved the financial report. It was noted that the total balance to date is $19,5437. Dick noted that this is $10,000 more than December. Al Farris showed some concern regarding the cost of the IRC class. Tim explained that the catering for IRC was for the two days and the food included- Chicken Pot Pie and breakfast and sandwiches. . Tim noted the prices at $16.75 per person were good, especially since the room rental fee at the Public Safety building was nominal.
Membership Cards: Dick would like to have a sample of the new membership card. Bruce noted that it would be nice to have them small so they would fit into the wallet.
Report of the Committees:
NEBOEA: Amherst- UMASS seminar- first week of October 6-9, per Al Farris. Dick requested that as soon as more information becomes available to let him know, so he can post it on the website and continue keeping the site up to date. Bruce suggested that he post the dates and add more information as it becomes available. Tim noted that staying at the university requires one to make reservations early, as the dorms fill up fast. There are only 90-100 rooms on campus.
NERC: Tim noted that there was a conference call recently. Kathryn didn't receive notice of the conference call. She missed the call for this reason. Tim will get report from Wayne regarding the candidates and will submit letter of recommendation. One outstanding issue from the conference call was there was a request from the Minnesota chapter for a donation of $100 to pay for hospitality suite in Minneapolis . It was noted that in Minneapolis , hospitality suites are about $30,000. Al Farris made a motion to approve the donation of $100 for the hospitality room and Kathryn Joiner seconded. All approved.
ESBOF: Al Farris reported that the Eastern States annual conference is scheduled for next April. However, dates have not yet been finalized. Other than the location, the UNH Durham conference center, no other details have been released. There was some prediction that there will be a full slate of ICC -Sunday certification classes as well. He also reported that there would be a directors meeting this July in Slingerlands , NY (central NY by Albany ).
Unfinished Business:
a. Nominating Committee: Bruce Smith reported that Jodine Adams expressed that she would re-run for her current position. With Jodine Adams re-running, there is a full slate of Board Members who will run again. Unless there are nominations from the floor, all 7 current openings will not change.
b. Polo Shirts: Tim Nelson noted that Freeman Abbot was supposed to have more information. Sharon Blodgett reported that there were only about 5 orders that MMA had on record. Dick Lambert suggested that someone follow up with Freeman Abbott to find out the price of the shirt and the prototype so they can continue to sell these shirts.
c. Board Plaques: There was a discussion regarding outgoing Board members on the board and if they received a plaque. It was noted that the custom had changed over the years. Norm Fecteau and Caroll Shepherd did not receive one, and it was unclear if Mike Nugent received one. Dick noted that the custom had been that only the outgoing president received a plaque. Tim only remembered a plaque was given when board members retired. Bruce said that if MBOIA does it for one, MBOIA should do it for all and suggested a compromise that if someone is on the board for 5 years, s/he will receive a plaque upon retirement. Since board terms are 3 years, one would need to serve 2 terms (consecutive or non-consecutive). Dick Lambert noted that this information should be available soon in the Administrative Guide. Dick Lambert has all past presidents and board members. Dick Lambert believes he can complete this project in the near future, as it is one of his professional goals. Once the list is completed, he will be able to determine who will receive the plaques upon retirement.
On that note, the Admin guide is almost done. Dick reported. Incorporation papers, annual reports, bylaws will be included because prior officers kept very good records.
- New Business:
a. Fire Chiefs Association - Tim reported that Joan Kiszely has confirmed the location for the upcoming MFCA Annual Meeting to be the Captain's Galley for the Training and the Edgewater for overnight and hospitality rooms. The dates are October 23 & 24. Joan & Chief Audette have been working with Tim Nelson on the Friday am program on International Codes. Tim Nelson contacted Adolf Zubia, upcoming ICC President, and Steven Shapiro, current ICC president, and asked if they wanted to speak at the event. Both were very interested in this upcoming event. At this time, no one is sure who will be representing ICC, but one of the two will be there. Sharon Blodgett distributed the MARK YOUR CALENDAR Post cards. Bruce Smith noted that they were nice cards. Dick Lambert asked to be notified once the final attendee packets were completed. He would like to post the information on the MBOIA website and have a link to the online registration. He has been trying to keep the website up to date and this link would help keep the website accurate.
b. Review of Plumbing and IRC Inspection classes - Tim Nelson reported that Jonathan Reed was supposed to go over the comments from the class but had a conflict and could not attend the meeting. Tim Nelson saw the comments and noted that all were positive as a general rule. There was good attendance. IRC went very well
c. Discussion for additional classes - Plumbing class in Bangor : ICC was approached to find out what the cost would be for a plumbing class in Bangor . Tim spoke to one of the Vice Presidents who told him that the cost of the speaker would be $2500 plus an additional $17 per book. Tim Nelson concluded that this would be a lot of money $67 per person, just to break even. Bruce thought that the room charge would be at least $20 per person, which would bring the cost to $87. To get adequate registrations, MBOIA can't charge more than $75 for a class. A better solution would be a partnership with ICC and split the profits. Tim Nelson said either party (MBOIA or ICC) could cancel at any time. In the meantime, Tim Nelson will be in contact with IR Home to see if they maybe can come up with something more reasonable. Tim Nelson will be sending out a presentation spreadsheet once more decisions have been made. Because of the new legislation Al Farris indicated that he thought there would be interest in a statewide building code class. Tim will look into this.
d. Discussion of passing of LD 2257. Dick put together a 2 page Energy code summary sheet, which documented when things are effective, etc. He brought copies to be distributed on the back table during the general meeting. Bruce Smith inquired if the town could make the rules more stringent. Tim responded that they could, but it needed to be brought to the board on the state level because the changes would need to be brought before the building commission. He noted that he does not believe a town can make the guidelines less stringent.
e. New Members: Motion made by Dick Lambert, seconded by Bruce Smith, all approved the following:
Don Vigneau |
Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships |
Richard Kent |
Town of Rumford |
Michael E. Menario |
City of Portland |
William Wells |
Town of Harpswell |
Michael Nugent |
Town of Old Orchard |
- The Good and Welfare of the Association:
Adjournment: Motion made by Tim Nelson, seconded by Kathryn Joiner, all approved to adjourn the meeting at 9:48 AM .