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Member of the International Code Council

On May 3, 1972 the Maine Building Officials and Inspector Association was established. The Association goals are as follows:

- To establish, foster and maintain professional and social interests.

- To collect and disseminate all matters of interest to the membership and allied trades.

- To encourage uniformity and reciprocity in codes and inspection practiced among communities.

- To broaden and expand the acquaintance of inspectors throughout the state.

MBOIA meetings are held at least four times a year throughout the state, with business meetings and training sessions.

We also have our own training and certification program for code officials, established in 1987. It covers items such as Building, Plumbing, and Electrical.

The association is also affiliated with the Maine Municipal Association and the International Code Council (ICC). We are ICC Charter Chapter #16.

View the MBOIA By-Laws


For more information please feel free to contact us.


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