I. Call to order – Vice President Dick Lambert called the meeting to order at 9:26 : a.m.
Calling of the Roll of Officers: Freeman Abbott, Bruce Smith, Kathryn Joiner, Barbara Skelton, and Sharon Blodgett (MMA), Dabney Lewis, Al Farris, Richard Lambert, Paul Demers.
It was determined there was a quorum.
Not Present – Tim Nelson, Jodine Adams, Jon Reed,
II. Reading of the Minutes of the previous meeting:
Bruce Smith made a motion to accept the minutes of the November 13, 2008 Board Meeting; seconded by Al Farris. All approved.
III. Communications and bills
Barbara Skelton reported that she had one outstanding invoice in the amount of $127.50 for the digitizing of the MBOIA Logo and a shirt. Freeman Abbott reported that each Polo shirt costs $23, but if they ordered more they would get further discounts. Bruce Smith asked if the cost of the shirt was still $30. Freeman Abbott responded yes, and it will take a while to pay off the digitization of the logo. Bruce Smith made a motion to pay the invoice; seconded by Paul Demers. All in favor.
Freeman Abbott will get them ordered. Dick Lambert will make an announcement that the order form will be available at the front table during the membership meeting.
No other communications
IV. Report of Officers and Treasurers report- Barbara Skelton reported that with the approval of the invoice they just voted upon, $300.00 for Dabney Lewis for raffle items and the meal at the China Rose, they are current with bills.
1) Report of the Officers and Treasurer's Report: Barb Skelton reported on the financials from September 11, 2008 to the present.
Checking Balance: $12,813.35
18 Mo. CD's: $4030.20
12 Mo. CD's: $2901.18
Petty Cash: $79.52
Savings: $992.02
Total Current Balance: $20,816.27
Bruce Smith moved to approve the Treasurer's Report as presented; seconded by Freeman Abbott. Approved by board vote.
2) 9-month CD – Barbara Skelton noted that the checking balance right now is very high and MBOIA should look into transferring some of the funds in the checking into a CD. She reported that the Bath Savings Institution has CD has a no-penalty 9-month CD. She was unsure of the percentage rate. Richard Lambert recommended that she not shop around; it is best to have all the accounts in the same place. Paul Demers made a motion to put $8,000 in the 9-month no penalty CD at Bath Savings Institution, seconded by Freeman Abbott. All approved.
V. Report of Committees
1) Education Committee – No report. Jonathan Reed was not present.
2) NEBOEA/ESBOF – Paul Demers/Al Farris
Paul Demers reported that NEBOEA had meeting a last week about improving the facilitators for next year's meeting. There is hope that these modifications will lead to an improved program for next year. Dick Lambert asked about the upcoming conference ESBOF- in UNH Durham. He noted that once the notice is sent out it should be announced and publicized to the membership, including posting it on the website. The announcement should stress proximity of the meeting to Maine and emphasize the fact that the Downeaster Amtrak train stops at the station right outside of the UNH campus in Durham . Paul Demers noted that the following year the conference is scheduled to take place in Rhode Island .
3) Audit Committee – Dick Lambert reported that he will be calling a meeting of the audit committee in the next week or two. He will have an update at the next meeting.
4) Legislative Committee
a) MUBEC- Dick Lambert remarked that the group has had two meetings so far. The first task of the group is to setup a process to identify conflicts between the fire code and the building code. Without support or clerical staff, this task will be a huge undertaking. The meetings will be held every other week at the Public Safety Building , as Anne Jordan is the Chair. Richard Lambert noted that MMA has submitted legislation to cleanup language in MUBEC law and the group will need to keep an eye on the direction of this legislation. He reported that the turnout at the meetings has been very good. Participants have included Jeff Austin and Shiloh Ring.
b) Proposed Legislation for 2009
i. Dick Lambert reported that the only bill of which he is aware is the aforementioned MMA cleanup bill. Right now, it does not appear that it will do much harm, although they need to keep track, as it can morph in committee.
ii. Paul Demers reported on the proposed legislation for delegated authority. He had conversations with the Fire Chief in Kennebunk, who told Mr. Demers that Maine Fire Chiefs' Association is not acting at this point. The legislation only gives a municipality the option of taking over the life safety codes. The legislation will not expedite the process, since the application is forwarded to the State Fire Marshall's office for review.
iii. It was reported that there will be a public hearing next Wednesday, December 17, regarding the SSD plumbing. Al Farris is planning on attending. Dick Lambert noted that to date the only change he noticed are the included drawings, which clarify the setback rules.
VI. Unfinished Business
1) 2009 Meeting Schedule at MMA –
It was noted that Executive Board room of MMA was not available for 3 of the dates proposed for the 2009 Board of Directors meetings (April 16, August 20, and November 19). The board requested that Sharon Blodgett try the following dates: April 23, August 6 (preferably) or August 13, and November 12
VII. New Business
1) New Members – Barbara Skelton notified everyone that a few of the new members approved at the last meeting were scheduled to attend the membership meeting. She requested that Dick Lambert acknowledge them.
Dick Lambert noted that he plotted the membership on a Maine map. The organization is state wide and has representation not only in the south, but all over the state.
2) Committee appointments – none
Adjournment – Barbara Skelton made a motion to adjourn; seconded by Paul Demers. All approved to at adjourn at 9:57 a.m.